Quick Tips and Tricks

show wifi password in CMD - Win 10
1403/04/26 10:36:53 (12)
order by in sql view
1403/04/18 08:32:17 (7)
اعتبار سنجی کد ملی در اکسل
1403/03/16 10:43:34 (24)
1403/03/16 09:05:25 (23)
purge sqlserver log file
1403/02/24 07:56:39 (34)
How to Force git pull
1403/01/25 11:27:50 (45)
ssh port forward configs
1402/12/28 09:48:10 (65)
vb.net multi line string variable with cdata
1402/12/26 08:49:26 (68)
Show Base64 image in html
1402/12/23 13:59:01 (69)
Convert 1256 Code page ( iso-8859-1 ) to UTF8 in vb.net
1402/12/23 13:56:18 (75)
sql-server find database file size on disk
1402/12/21 10:33:23 (80)
sql-server disk usage by Each table or view (query)
1402/12/21 10:17:25 (83)
1402/12/20 23:30:18 (91)
Get Json-Body From Post in ASP.NET 4.7
1402/12/20 16:18:06 (81)
generate random password
1402/12/19 08:37:25 (90)
Upgrade Ubuntu To New Version
1402/12/18 09:05:50 (77)
Extend LVM Partition in ubuntu
1402/12/14 08:56:29 (84)
How to list all installed packages in Linux
1402/12/08 21:34:53 (78)
Sql-Server Insert select result into another table
1402/11/18 20:24:57 (99)
Send ERROR Json-Result to Client in ASP.NET 4.8
1402/11/18 20:17:49 (95)
returns the first non-null value in SqlServer
1402/11/14 20:57:15 (97)
Fix Multiple Connections to a Server or Shared Resource by the Same User
1402/11/07 15:30:38 (113)
sqlite trigger to update row modifyDateTime
1402/10/26 22:21:33 (110)
move item in array up and down
1402/10/26 22:16:02 (111)
generate uuid in js
1402/10/26 21:41:10 (109)
js commafy number
1402/10/26 21:39:24 (101)
json array sortByProperty
1402/10/26 21:38:44 (101)
Send DELET request from jquery
1402/10/23 16:50:10 (99)
order by in sql-server views
1402/10/09 07:10:44 (105)
load multiple dependencies with system.js
1402/09/09 11:46:18 (131)
nobitex , i think this site works grate
1402/09/01 09:25:58 (135)
1402/08/23 07:18:47 (157)
open port in linux with firewall-cmd
1402/08/03 07:19:26 (141)
sqlserver select as JSON
1402/07/04 12:44:50 (170)
find save passwords in DBeaver
1402/06/21 09:40:33 (174)
copy files in windows with esentutl
1402/06/11 08:38:13 (181)
1402/06/10 11:23:35 (181)
generate uuid v4 in sqlite
1402/05/25 06:32:56 (197)
sqlserver date format as persian date
1402/05/24 08:22:17 (199)
1402/05/18 10:17:34 (176)
Replace arabic Letter in SQL-SERVER Database
1402/05/18 08:52:14 (203)
Find Most Used Disk Space Directories and Files in Linux
1402/05/15 12:52:48 (176)
sql server , total row count in database
1402/05/14 08:13:12 (212)
UI/UX Youtube Channels
1402/05/14 07:30:41 (196)
sql-server persian number ToAlphabet
1402/05/09 11:06:28 (201)
sql-server NIN validation function
1402/05/09 10:58:04 (203)
sqlserver convert persian and arabic numbers to english
1402/05/02 08:51:20 (222)
sqlserver get primary column name
1402/05/01 12:57:13 (239)
sqlserver get column description
1402/05/01 12:49:01 (208)
1402/04/28 13:10:47 (207)
1402/04/28 13:09:50 (210)
ubuntu UFW
1402/04/21 09:23:54 (224)
access angular.js scope from outside world
1402/04/19 08:53:52 (211)
js convert base64 to blob/binary
1402/04/18 09:18:40 (213)
Preview PDF/Image file before upload
1402/04/17 14:46:54 (192)
jquery : detect checkbox checed state
1402/04/17 14:44:33 (208)
js : resize image as base64
1402/04/17 14:42:13 (209)
Drag and Drop files to Panel For Upload
1402/04/17 14:35:22 (207)
jquery Iterating object's properties
1402/04/17 14:29:27 (195)
js double-click and tripple click listener
1402/04/17 14:28:02 (211)
group git commands in one file gp.bat (GitPush)
1402/04/09 17:53:59 (216)
replace string in js
1402/03/16 10:36:33 (213)
linux kill specific session
1402/03/02 09:18:40 (199)
jquery guid pattern selector
1402/03/01 07:04:32 (255)
xcopy some useful switches
1402/03/01 06:59:22 (267)
angular.js split filter
1402/02/27 10:34:53 (274)
angular.js dedup array filter
1402/02/27 10:34:06 (210)
1402/02/25 16:37:59 (203)
1402/02/24 17:08:39 (270)
run an app as administrator in windows , save credentials
1402/02/04 10:33:29 (278)
1402/01/22 10:34:45 (247)
start a new svelte app , not sveltekit
1402/01/17 11:11:56 (233)
install RSAT
1401/12/22 11:21:41 (281)
dropbox : ignore folder from sync
1401/12/06 10:52:25 (257)
svelte npx install
1401/12/06 10:46:35 (249)
redis cheat sheet
1401/12/02 16:03:28 (240)
Basic Git setup config
1401/12/01 09:33:48 (263)
add linux user with no-login privilege
1401/12/01 08:25:21 (240)
use socks proxy in curl command
1401/12/01 08:21:30 (279)
create nullfile for test in linux
1401/11/30 18:04:26 (327)
install dante-server
1401/11/24 15:45:43 (282)
FUN Elastic
1401/11/18 11:32:30 (275)
convert base64 to blob in javascript
1401/11/15 21:12:53 (216)
convert file to base64 in javascript
1401/11/15 21:02:47 (280)
simple redirect node.js
1401/11/12 11:29:33 (261)
fake upload generator
1401/10/16 11:25:34 (263)
1401/10/16 11:24:39 (313)
Persian Speech recognition ( works on webkit + HTTPS )
1401/10/06 10:01:27 (288)
use fetch to post data
1401/10/05 18:48:15 (287)
css selector for parent element
1401/10/05 18:37:06 (278)
angular.js advance orderby
1401/10/05 12:03:43 (261)
mysql json functions
1401/09/09 16:16:51 (287)
control print on new page with css
1401/09/06 14:33:37 (289)
sweet alert sample
1401/09/05 22:11:35 (322)
use jqurey in svelte
1401/09/05 22:11:00 (278)
easy api setup with axios with svelte
1401/09/05 18:18:35 (320)
hash password in node.js
1401/09/05 18:12:37 (292)
extract querystring from url in javascript
1401/08/28 11:28:13 (280)
add Sparkline charts to svelte
1401/08/28 11:09:34 (301)
convert Persian and Arabic number to ENGLISH
1401/08/12 10:54:46 (317)
rsync , sync tow folder over ssh
1401/07/29 18:43:02 (313)
rsp rapid ssh port forward
1401/07/29 18:29:51 (349)
axios post formdata
1401/07/27 08:45:25 (317)
monitor a port comunication data / tcpdump
1401/07/09 10:52:53 (333)
1401/07/07 17:00:51 (340)
which app listen/run on which port
1401/07/06 11:22:58 (317)
1401/07/06 11:21:59 (319)
my .bashrc PS1 prompt code
1401/07/06 11:19:19 (325)
persian date validation regex
1401/06/27 10:01:54 (345)
نرخ مصوب نظام صنفی رایانه سال 1401
1401/06/09 14:34:27 (285)
backup a node_app folder in linux server
1401/06/07 09:38:42 (331)
redis for windows
1401/05/25 07:13:04 (392)
Install MariaDB portable
1401/05/15 14:47:21 (365)
simple https server
1401/05/15 08:18:58 (376)
kill ssh session
1401/05/05 15:38:42 (325)
نرخ مصوب نظام صنفی رایانه سال 1400
1401/04/24 01:07:08 (328)
angular.js advance filter
1401/03/11 07:37:47 (375)
easy download from youtube
1401/02/30 09:49:19 (406)
Microsoft's PrintNightmare Patch
1401/02/17 09:08:22 (402)
replace crlf in sqlserver
1401/02/12 13:23:38 (371)
export page to microsoft word in Angular.js
1401/02/05 13:38:57 (382)
simple http server with pm2
1401/01/21 17:26:46 (377)
CentOs Open Port in Firewall
1401/01/21 09:48:36 (415)
1401/01/20 08:59:53 (414)
export users from activedirectory
1401/01/17 11:18:42 (394)
Finding diff between current and last version
1401/01/17 10:31:31 (357)
Turn CSV Filed into into individual rows in Sql-Server
1401/01/16 15:11:36 (496)
calc md5 in sqlserver
1401/01/10 09:49:47 (391)
Quake Game in Browser
1401/01/09 11:39:27 (422)
List Properties of an object in javascript
1401/01/09 11:24:35 (429)
set asp.net custom 404 page in web.config
1400/12/24 12:02:53 (318)
save data to local-storage in angular.js
1400/12/22 09:19:41 (421)
sql join tutorial
1400/12/22 08:30:23 (455)
join tow table with different collation in sqlserver
1400/12/22 08:25:33 (439)
set cookie in express.js
1400/12/22 08:21:45 (440)
copy to clipboard in javascript
1400/12/22 08:20:59 (412)
install clickhouse database in ubuntu
1400/12/22 08:13:54 (429)
angular.js exception handler
1400/12/22 07:56:17 (450)
funny 404 page
1400/12/21 09:28:00 (353)
show default image if src is not found
1400/12/21 09:21:49 (434)
sort json array
1400/12/21 09:12:21 (425)
get free ssl certificate for linux / node server
1400/12/14 21:15:07 (463)
watch folder changes in linux
1400/12/14 11:47:01 (395)
python https server
1400/11/26 20:56:11 (500)
1400/10/29 14:00:41 (552)
inspect js object in console / console-prob
1400/10/15 08:52:56 (430)
Create QR Code in node.js
1400/10/15 08:46:30 (486)
documentation generator
1400/10/15 08:32:45 (461)
node.js http proxy middleware
1400/10/14 08:39:05 (466)
show images in console with node.js
1400/10/14 08:28:30 (495)
sql server computed column
1400/10/14 08:05:46 (478)
run node.js app as service
1400/10/06 12:51:33 (470)
1400/09/28 20:16:28 (498)
javascript fetch
1400/09/28 10:55:12 (477)
fix fedora snap classic install error
1400/09/27 08:53:16 (499)
get current url with javascript
1400/09/23 10:03:28 (495)
make pixel pictures
1400/09/09 11:05:16 (491)
1400/09/09 10:44:12 (464)
1400/09/08 10:30:57 (558)
add syntax highlite to nano
1400/08/23 08:52:09 (511)
github cli quick ref
1400/08/23 08:38:15 (489)
git config
1400/08/23 08:34:29 (515)
install github CLI on ubuntu
1400/08/22 12:40:11 (506)
openvpn ufw rules
1400/08/18 20:34:10 (494)
windows exploit protection
1400/08/14 10:10:35 (492)
find failed ssh logins on centos
1400/08/14 09:47:26 (490)
list all installed centos packages
1400/08/13 19:41:03 (497)
add local repo to github
1400/08/06 22:35:12 (527)
node.js : convert relative path to absolute path
1400/08/05 10:03:06 (477)
linux , port scan
1400/07/27 12:27:54 (491)
linux , list of listenning ports
1400/07/27 12:20:58 (517)
1400/07/27 08:29:08 (719)
Fix Centos 7 repo (yum repo)
1400/07/27 08:17:09 (504)
install NVM
1400/07/16 12:33:59 (509)
RDP Single Session Per User
1400/07/10 22:17:52 (510)
run shortcut as administrator in windows
1400/07/06 14:50:37 (509)
sql-server format number , digit grouping
1400/07/06 12:44:23 (517)
sql-server blob field size
1400/07/06 12:30:27 (516)
store git credentials
1400/06/27 09:02:52 (474)
1400/06/20 18:28:17 (696)
rasdial in windows
1400/06/17 07:53:25 (493)
some color codes
1400/06/15 11:38:53 (537)
simple css box shadow
1400/06/12 21:15:02 (493)
install kali on windows 10
1400/06/10 19:19:36 (542)
Add Toastr To Angular App
1400/06/03 10:48:40 (617)
Add Bootstrap To Angular app
1400/06/03 09:09:56 (557)
use jquery in angular
1400/06/03 09:07:08 (538)
NVM For Windows
1400/06/02 20:35:46 (585)
Angular.js upload file as multipart/form-data
1400/06/01 08:26:45 (528)
node.js app proxy
1400/05/19 10:33:02 (542)
knex quick refrence
1400/05/13 10:35:51 (735)
Generate Random Data in SQL-Server
1400/05/13 08:00:07 (533)
angular.js binary file upload
1400/05/12 08:40:35 (547)
javascript password coplexity check
1400/05/09 16:57:19 (525)
Linking an Existing Project to a Git Remote
1400/05/04 18:21:12 (555)
loop in sql
1400/04/30 10:06:42 (515)
generate random number in sql
1400/04/30 10:05:44 (522)
Determining Free Space Per SQL Server Database
1400/04/26 20:06:28 (526)
SQL-SERVER trigger to update datetimefield automatically
1400/04/21 09:26:14 (579)
js merge and dedup tow array
1400/04/13 11:19:48 (564)
1400/04/09 11:42:02 (568)
1400/03/04 15:20:20 (553)
serach local network with nmap
1400/02/14 10:35:38 (593)
add static route in linux
1400/02/13 14:43:28 (621)
install gnome shell extension
1400/02/04 08:30:22 (604)
add repo to ubuntu
1400/01/25 12:01:13 (634)
install desktop on debian
1400/01/16 16:33:29 (688)
Install Apache Guacamole on Debian
1400/01/16 13:57:57 (699)
linux find command
1400/01/16 09:02:39 (556)
ssh server
1400/01/15 15:13:13 (672)
1400/01/09 12:31:39 (579)
Basic Authentication Header
1399/12/03 16:38:26 (700)
tns sample
1399/11/05 07:08:41 (742)
install Oracle Client on windows
1399/11/05 07:04:13 (734)
1399/11/01 07:55:27 (817)
1399/10/27 13:26:10 (814)
صحت سنجی شماره کارت بانکی
1399/10/27 11:38:30 (703)
صحت سنجی کد ملی
1399/10/27 11:35:50 (691)
صحت سنجی شناسه ملی شرکت ها
1399/10/27 11:31:51 (668)
install virtualbox gust addition on ubuntu
1399/10/19 18:59:00 (713)
node.js windows-build-tools
1399/10/09 20:27:18 (822)
show message after ssh login
1399/10/06 18:08:38 (740)
1399/10/06 18:02:39 (737)
bash log to file
1399/10/06 17:40:29 (756)
angular.js nin--input validate
1399/09/23 10:56:55 (759)
angular.js number-input
1399/09/23 10:46:23 (728)
a new way to javascript console.log
1399/09/20 22:06:31 (764)
linux remote desktop
1399/09/17 10:29:39 (757)
angular.js export json to excel
1399/09/12 15:41:54 (845)
tailwind a grate predefined css lib
1399/09/03 08:07:30 (911)
eDex-ui fun with terminal
1399/09/02 14:39:53 (889)
Filter html table useing javascript
1399/08/25 17:08:24 (745)
allow html tags (in textbox control) in asp.net webform
1399/08/25 17:06:41 (751)
install AnyDesk on debian based linux
1399/08/13 08:43:20 (735)
install openvpn on linux
1399/08/12 10:17:39 (845)
connect to openvpn in linux
1399/08/12 10:05:21 (707)
ignore node_module in dropbox sync
1399/08/03 08:35:25 (760)
chrome dino game hack
1399/07/29 19:59:50 (782)
uset git crdential
1399/07/29 17:01:57 (829)
sql server json_value
1399/07/20 16:25:04 (738)
password validation in javascript
1399/07/16 09:52:41 (823)
reset windows password
1399/07/02 16:04:40 (735)
angular.js injectable module(a custom directive)
1399/06/23 07:44:51 (725)
angular.js csv number filter
1399/06/22 15:39:25 (766)
angular.js form validation directive
1399/06/22 15:37:53 (729)
send email from terminal with attachment
1399/06/04 07:45:55 (789)
nodejs rest-client
1399/06/03 08:08:56 (829)
send post request via curl
1399/06/03 07:22:19 (754)
inject angular.js app into page via javascript
1399/06/01 14:27:06 (762)
random user api
1399/06/01 09:26:33 (777)
angular.js base64 file upload
1399/06/01 09:25:57 (768)
run VS-CODE from ssh
1399/06/01 09:17:05 (723)
1399/05/27 20:06:56 (825)
allow http trugh firewall on centos7
1399/05/12 16:28:47 (748)
ترجمه ای آزاد از مقاله ای با عنوان "ما برنامه نویس ها بر جهان حکمرانی می کنیم" نوشته رابرت مارتین، عمو باب
1399/05/12 12:02:08 (754)
RDP PORT (3389)
1399/05/11 11:46:06 (736)
1399/05/06 17:14:12 (797)
jalali moment for browser
1399/05/06 17:11:36 (831)
How To Install Node.js 12 LTS on CentOS 7
1399/04/28 09:23:55 (767)
SQL-SERVER Grant Permission to user
1399/04/25 18:42:33 (800)
chmode full permission to everyone
1399/04/25 18:34:59 (729)
ubuntu network config
1399/04/23 07:32:20 (712)
javascript random number
1399/04/23 07:28:01 (725)
noprint css
1399/04/18 07:27:05 (730)
store git user and password
1399/04/11 08:59:07 (689)
install windows terminal
1399/04/06 15:41:10 (697)
install choco on windows
1399/04/06 15:37:04 (727)
install micro editor on centos
1399/04/04 14:29:11 (866)
install slap on centos7
1399/04/04 07:23:26 (757)
centos firewall terminal gui
1399/04/03 19:42:47 (747)
find centos version
1399/04/03 19:39:51 (744)
install nvm on centos 7
1399/04/03 19:17:17 (746)
Setup network after RHEL/CentOS 7 minimal installation
1399/04/03 07:43:54 (845)
change network config in Centos7
1399/03/20 11:53:50 (760)
linux terminal monitoring tools
1399/03/20 10:23:10 (739)
install nodejs on centos 7
1399/03/20 07:59:44 (744)
1399/03/19 14:04:51 (806)
1399/03/19 13:50:26 (767)
create a tar.gz file
1399/03/19 12:55:03 (754)
How to run a shell script at startup
1399/03/09 22:55:19 (770)
تعرفه نرخ پايه خدمات تخصصي انفورماتيك - فني مصوب نظام صنفی رایانه ای
1399/03/05 22:11:30 (692)
sql server bcp
1399/03/03 13:11:49 (753)
put sql-server in read only state
1399/03/03 09:59:26 (821)
ssh remote port forwarding
1399/03/02 23:33:57 (843)
SQL-SERVER Pagination
1399/03/02 17:06:43 (766)
sql server identity column RE-SEED
1399/03/02 16:56:36 (807)
1399/03/01 20:45:47 (777)
SQL-SERVER Current / Active Queries
1399/02/30 12:54:08 (812)
Python Simple HTTP-SERVER
1399/02/29 20:27:24 (816)
inject css to page by jquery
1399/02/01 07:41:14 (810)
node.js - express redirect as POST
1399/02/01 07:19:49 (809)
1399/01/31 13:21:46 (766)
Centos Timezone
1399/01/27 17:01:06 (787)
linux chmode
1399/01/27 13:47:41 (765)
تغییر تنظیمات شبکه در CentOS 7
1399/01/27 13:35:23 (784)
نصب EPEL Repo در CentOS
1399/01/27 09:31:42 (786)
نصب package-manager در cygwin
1399/01/27 09:21:45 (819)
اتصال به ssh بدون نیاز به وارد کردن نام کاربری و کلمه عبور
1399/01/26 07:18:55 (721)
تاریخ شمسی در اکسل
1399/01/23 18:12:37 (738)
قانون جرایم رایانه‌ای
1399/01/11 12:51:14 (755)