Install Apache Guacamole on Debian

علی ذوالفقار
1400/01/16 13:57:57 (861)
 Open a terminal and run the following commands:

wget -O
chmod +x
sudo ./

 Select No, No, Yes to the prompts 
 Set MySQL root and guacamole user passwords
 Wait several minutes for the install process to complete
 Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNS-or-IP:8080/guacamole/
 Log in with guacadmin/guacadmin
 Go to Settings > Users
 Create a new user and grant all permissions
 Log out and log in as the new user
 Go to Settings > Users > Delete the guacadmin user
 Go to Settings > Connections > New Connection
 Setup a test connection to a known working host
 Click Save
 Go to Home > Click on the created connection
 Enjoy browser based SSH, VNC, RDP and more
 Optional Steps
 To remove the need to navigate to /guacamole, run the following commands in a terminal 

 sudo su
 cd /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps
 rm ROOT -r
 mv guacamole ROOT
 Open a web browser and navigate to http://DNS-or-IP:8080/ to reach the guacamole UI

link to an online tutorial